Speech therapy for cleft lip and/or palate. Are you an SLP or SLPA who has a cleft-affected child on your caseload, and you’re not sure where to begin? The Cleft Palate Speech Assessment Guidebook is a comprehensive manual for evaluating cleft speech.
Feel confident assessing cleft palate speech, as well as understanding cleft speech development and cleft palate speech characteristics.
This unique resource outlines all the information you need to assess a child with cleft lip ± palate. It includes a thorough cleft palate oral mechanism exam, a speech and resonance screener, a cleft case history form, submucous cleft palate speech characteristics, and more.
Great for…
➜ an easy-to-follow cleft speech oral mechanism exam
➜ a screener for resonance and speech
➜ a guide to know what to do during the first session
➜ general information you need to know about the cleft population and speech development
➜ understanding when speech therapy or a referral is warranted
Need a refresher on this population and what to look for? This cleft speech handbook has concise, easy-to-understand information.
► Are you feeling lost when treating cleft palate speech?
► Want a step-by-step guide to assist you in the first session?
► Do you want an easy way to digest cleft terms?
► Looking for a comprehensive guide to assess cleft speech?
► Want to know the difference in speech before and after cleft palate repair surgery?
- About Cleft Lip ± Palate
- Submucous Cleft Palates
- Common Interventions Needed with Cleft Lip ± Palate
- Speech Development Before and After Repair
- The Craniofacial Team
- When to Refer
- Velopharyngeal Dysfunction
- Velopharyngeal Insufficiency
- Fistulas
- The First Session
- Case History and Caregiver Concerns Form
- Oral Mechanism Exam Form
- Cleft Speech Sound and Resonance Screener
- Writing Goals & Treatment Frequency
- Place Manner Voice Chart
- Vowel Quadrilateral Chart
- Transcribing Cleft Speech
- Articulation Development
- Phonological Patterns Development
- Speech Intelligibility Development
In addition, it includes online resources, a glossary, references, and black-and-white versions. The black-and-white versions are included as a print-friendly option for teachers and parents.
Use the hyperlinked table of contents to find what you need quickly — no more fumbling around for what you need!
Be sure to look at the preview to see what’s included.
This resource is part of the CLEFT PALATE SPEECH GUIDEBOOK BUNDLE. Save 20% and get: assessment, treatment, and parent handouts.
This is a digital product that will be available for download upon purchase. Due to the nature of this product, there are no returns.
Copyright © Allison Fors, Inc. All rights reserved by author.
Do not share this document with anyone or upload it to the Internet or your website. Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form is strictly forbidden. Do not modify or alter this document. Permission to reproduce for individual use only. If you would like to share with other therapists or teachers, please purchase additional licenses or direct them to my store. You may share individual pages with the families with whom you work.
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