Personal Hygiene Functional Life Skills Activities for Kids and Teens


Teach personal hygiene with engaging activities – teaching the importance, vocabulary, routines, and more!

Number of pages: 40


Are you searching for purposeful life skills and personal hygiene activities for your speech therapy or special education students? It’s a difficult and awkward topic, and you are at your wits end trying to find something appropriate for your speech and language sessions or check ins. Check out these hands-on activities to teach, generalize, and self-assess personal hygiene.

The perfect addition to your functional life skills curriculum! 

Designed to be inclusive and adaptable, these life skills activities are perfect for a wide range of ages and abilities. Whether you’re teaching young children the basics of hygiene or guiding teens through more complex routines, this product is versatile enough to meet your needs.

This product works well with all ages:

  • For children – teaching hygienic items and their uses.
  • For teens – including teen hygienic items, sequences for older chores such as laundry, and checklists for hygiene self-assessment.

These life skills activities help introduce or teach personal hygiene an engaging mix of activities designed to make learning about hygiene routines accessible and enjoyable.


What is Personal Hygiene? Social Story
• A social story to introduce the topic and explain the importance of hygiene. Instructions included on how to fold into a mini book.

Personal Hygiene Flipbook
• The flipbook defines hygiene, explains why it’s important, and discusses 3 main topics: teeth brushing, hand washing, and showering/clothing. The final page has 10 true/false questions as a review of the material.

Hygienic Items Flash Cards
• 12 hygiene item cards and 4 WH question cards
• Ideas: Print 2 sets to play a matching game.
Place item cards and question cards face down in respective piles. The student selects one of each and answers the question.

Hygiene Questions Dice Activity
• Use this activity to answer and discuss:
What are the hygienic items for?
How often do you use it?
Why do you use it?

Bathroom Interactive Scene
• A hands-on activity to teach or generalize personal hygiene concepts.
• Idea: You may consider laminating and placing Velcro behind individual pieces for long-term use.

Hand Washing Routine & Sequencing Match-Up
Brushing Teeth Routine & Sequencing Match-Up
Taking a Shower Routine & Sequencing Match-Up
Doing Laundry Routine & Sequencing Match-Up

Morning Personal Hygiene Checklist
• Checklist for teens to self-regulate daily personal hygiene.
• Empty space included for customization.

Self Assessment Page
• Use as an opportunity to have a student assess their hygiene and discuss what they can improve. Blank lines included for customization.

Black and white versions are found at the end of the document. Use as ink-saving or coloring options.



⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐“Used this for my special education classroom in a Jr/Sr. High school and it worked well for the lesson that I was completing. The topic can be difficult for the students to understand, or want to talk about, so this was a great purchase for me!”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “A good way to tackle an uncomfortable subject. Thanks so much.”

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐“I bought this package for my high school special ed classroom. Personal hygiene is sometimes a difficult topic to discuss with teens, but something I needed to address as a life skill with my students. This package worked out perfectly! The activities were engaging, and lead to important discussions. I will be using the flashcards again to review! Great purchase :)”




This is a digital product that will be available for download upon purchase. Due to the nature of this product, there are no returns.

Copyright © Allison Fors, Inc. Do not share or email this document with anyone.  Permission to copy for individual use only.  If you would like to share with other therapists, teachers, or parents please direct them to my store.  Copying any part of this product and placing it on the Internet in any form is strictly forbidden. Do not modify or alter this document.


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