Why You Should Be Using BOOM CARDS in Speech Therapy

What are BOOM cards?

Boom Cards are digital task cards that you play on the Boom Learning website. They are easy and fun to use!


To use, first, create a free account. Then download the free or paid resource. In the PDF, there is a link to the Boom deck on the Boom Learning website. All decks are found in your “Library.” They are accessed and used on the Boom Learning website. There is no need to download, save, or print! This also means you cannot use them in Google Classroom, Seesaw, or other programs.

To use Boom decks, you must be connected to the Internet. They play on modern browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge). Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. Use this resource on a tablet, computer, or Smartboard!

Below is an example of the Pirate Barrier Games to demonstrate what a Boom deck looks like, and how it’s interactive and self-grading!

Why should I use them?

They make your life easier! No printing, cutting, laminating, or velcroing. You don’t even need to download it. In addition, they are self-grading and data tracking.

In addition, they are interactive and motivating for your students!

To use them, you just need an internet-connected device. This makes them perfect for teletherapists, traveling SLPs, and anyone who is looking to decrease the number of materials they are using in therapy.

How do I find them?

You can find free and paid decks on the boomlearning.com website.

Or you can search Teachers Pay Teachers for “Boom Cards”. Many of the sellers who create them also have a category in their store dedicated to Boom cards.

Try this free Boom Cards activity:

FREE Boom Scrambled Sentence

You can view all my Boom resources on Boom Learning

You may enjoy this trick while using digital activities:
Tips and Tricks: How to Draw on PDFs

Do you use Boom decks in speech therapy? 

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One Response

  1. Hi there:).
    I just downloaded these cards and am excited about the possibilities!!! When in Zoom however, I can’t give my client control to manipulate the boom cards. Please help:)

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