Happy New Year! 2020 was a one-of-a-kind year, with some both wonderful and challenging moments. Like many of you, I’m looking forward to 2021 and what it will bring.
The new year is a great time to look back. I’ve rounded up this past year’s most saved and read speech therapy blog posts here for you. 2020 brought with it a strong shift toward teletherapy, which is reflected in what my readers found helpful – and what you might like, too. Happy reading!
5. Thoughtful Conversation Starters for Kids and Teens: Conversation starters and prompts are a versatile tool to teach a variety of skills in regards to speech therapy, autism, and your classroom! Get a question list to use and download a freebie.
4. 6 Free Teletherapy Activities for Speech Therapy (to download now!): Use these digital activities whether you are doing face-to-face speech therapy sessions or teletherapy! I know many of you are in need of NO PRINT resources and all of these are free and ready to download now!
3. When the Therapist Becomes the Parent: Lessons Learned During Our NICU Experience: My daughter was born in 2020 and spent 7 weeks in the NICU due to severe micrognathia and a cleft palate. This is our story and the lessons I learned and want to apply while working with families in the future.
2. 10 Online Sources of Free Children’s eBooks: There are a lot of great sources out there for high-quality digital books to use in speech therapy, and some of them are completely free!
1. Tackling Social Skills in Teletherapy: Social skills can be a daunting skill to target via distance learning. There are many aspects of pragmatic language that we work on in speech therapy, and some can be difficult to assess and teach – even in person! Below are my favorite websites, apps, and activities that can be used digitally through teletherapy. Download a helpful list with the suggested websites and apps!
Is there a topic you’d like to see in one of my 2021 speech therapy blog posts? Let me know in the comments!