The 5 Best Speech Therapy Blog Posts of 2020

Happy New Year! 2020 was a one-of-a-kind year, with some both wonderful and challenging moments. Like many of you, I’m looking forward to 2021 and what it will bring.

The new year is a great time to look back. I’ve rounded up this past year’s most saved and read speech therapy blog posts here for you. 2020 brought with it a strong shift toward teletherapy, which is reflected in what my readers found helpful – and what you might like, too. Happy reading!


5. Thoughtful Conversation Starters for Kids and Teens: Conversation starters and prompts are a versatile tool to teach a variety of skills in regards to speech therapy, autism, and your classroom! Get a question list to use and download a freebie.

4. 6 Free Teletherapy Activities for Speech Therapy (to download now!): Use these digital activities whether you are doing face-to-face speech therapy sessions or teletherapy! I know many of you are in need of NO PRINT resources and all of these are free and ready to download now!

teletherapy resources speech therapy

3. When the Therapist Becomes the Parent: Lessons Learned During Our NICU Experience: My daughter was born in 2020 and spent 7 weeks in the NICU due to severe micrognathia and a cleft palate. This is our story and the lessons I learned and want to apply while working with families in the future.

speech therapy blog posts

2. 10 Online Sources of Free Children’s eBooks: There are a lot of great sources out there for high-quality digital books to use in speech therapy, and some of them are completely free! 

speech therapy blog posts

1. Tackling Social Skills in Teletherapy: Social skills can be a daunting skill to target via distance learning. There are many aspects of pragmatic language that we work on in speech therapy, and some can be difficult to assess and teach – even in person! Below are my favorite websites, apps, and activities that can be used digitally through teletherapy. Download a helpful list with the suggested websites and apps!

social skills teletherapy

Is there a topic you’d like to see in one of my 2021 speech therapy blog posts? Let me know in the comments!


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